Event partners

Planning is the key to every celebration 

hotel villa orange tagung rahmenprogramm

Before the party, every host or hostess should reflect on a few general thoughts, like the scale of the celebration and the number of guests.

Who will I invite?
How can I design the invitations?
What’s for dinner? Who is providing the music?
What is the agenda of the event, and what is my budget?

We will be happy to support you in your preparations, and we have access to a tried and tested network of event partners.



Our recommendations

In the following, you can find some suggestions to help make your party a success:



The music can make or break a party - we recommend the DJs from Mobydisk. All of the DJs are trained, tested and equipped with the right technology.. 

Find out more > 

(website in German)


If you need sound and lighting technology, the right band or artist for your celebration, then contact the team headed by Oliver Lorscheid.

Find out more > 

(website in German)


To ensure that the children are well looked after during the celebration, we recommend Christiene Jouaux-Frönd at das Sahnehäubchen.

Find out more > 

(website in German)


Spend the night with us and celebrate somewhere else? If you have even more guests, we recommend nearby Holzhausenschlösschen.

Find out more > 

(website in German)




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