Less plastic for our oceans

Organic hotel Villa Orange declares war on plastic

It is one of the major environmental problems of our time: Huge whirlpools of plastic garbage collect in our oceans and become a deadly threat to flora and fauna. To ensure that there will not be more plastic in our oceans than fish in the future, organic hotel Villa Orange is banning disposable packaging and plastic items from its operations wherever possible and is supporting the Whale and Dolphin Conservation organization WDC’s challenge to use less plastic.

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Photos: WDC Michaela Harfst and Luisa Knueppe

Sure, our shower gel comes out of a dispenser and we’ve never served butter and jelly or jam in portion packs. As an organic hotel, we already participate in this challenge on a very high level. But an internal review has shown us that we still produce a lot of plastic waste. Unfortunately, many organic products are also packed in plastic. But we’re working to change that. Since April 2018, we have been reviewing all areas for potential ways to save.

What are we doing specifically? 

We address the problem with our suppliers, look for alternatives and switch to more eco-friendly large glass containers. All of our employees are passionate about this, and are trying to find the best solution for their own areas.

This is what we’ve already done (Update as of October 2018):

  •  What we’ve always done: no single-portion packs for jam and jelly, honey, butter, lunchmeat, etc.
  • All fruit juices only in re-usable glass deposit bottles 
  • All yogurt and cream only in re-usable glass deposit bottles and jars 
  • When it comes to small plastic packagings, we have switched to larger glass containers 
  • We have banned plastic wrap from the kitchen and now store muesli and grains in storage cans, for example 
  • No straws at the bar
  • Also at the bar: pretzel pieces and seasoned nuts from bulk loose goods, plastic free 
  • New stearin-based tea lights, in cardboard instead of plastic packaging. We also no longer use tea light covers made of aluminum, having switched to glass holders.
  • What we’ve always done: shower gel in large dispensers
  • What we’ve always done: FSC-certified paper
  • Instead of highlighters made of plastic, we use highlighters based on colored pencils
  • In our rooms you will only find plastic garbage bags in the cosmetic bins in the bathroom
  • For our new purchases: laundry baskets and cleaning buckets made of metal and enamel instead of plastic                                  
  • Hotel laundry is transported to the cleaners in fabric bags (instead of plastic) 

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One small measure: highlighting using colored pencils

What we’re currently testing:

  •  Paper instead of plastic sheet protectors

“We see the Plastics Challenge as an ongoing process and part of our contribution to a better environment. As an organic hotel, this is a given for us.”

Christiane Hütte


About the Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
WDC, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, is the world’s leading non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to the conservation of whales and dolphins. Founded in 1987 in Great Britain, we have maintained an office in Germany since 1999. Additional offices are located in Argentina, the USA and Australia. Through campaigns, political advocacy, education, counselling, research, rescue and conservation projects, we defend whales and dolphins against the many threats they face today. WDC scientists work in national, European and international working groups, are represented in all relevant international forums and have a direct influence on important decisions on the future of whales and dolphins. We are the contact for decision makers, media and the public. WDC is a non-profit organization. We are politically independent and are financed by donations and endowments.
Our vision is a world where every whale and dolphin is safe and free.

Here you can find a checklist provided by the WDC, which gives you tips on where and how to avoid plastic (in German).
It would be wonderful if a large number of guests and companies would respond to the WDC’s appeal. 

Media reporting on the project (in German):

Weniger Kunststoffmüll: 14 Tipps, wie Sie im Alltag auf Plastik verzichten können

Allgemeine Hotel- und Gastronomiezeitung
Plastik ade in der Villa Orange

Frankfurter Rundschau
Nicht ungebremst Plastik verwenden

Genussmagazin/Journal Frankfurt
Biohotel sagt Plastik den Kampf an

Bambus für Bars und Drinks

Blog Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Interview mit Koch Andreas Müller auf dem WDC-Blog


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